Air Unshock

These impact-resistant pouches make pacing easier, especially for online sales. Perfect for transporting glass bottles, computers, electronics and other fragile items. Ensure safe delivery every time!

Easy to use just inflate the air into the air bag.
Easy to use just inflate the air into the air bag.
Ideal for packaging items such as glass bottles or individual products that require protection.
Ideal for packaging items such as glass bottles or individual products that require protection.
Perfectly protects your products from impact.
Perfectly protects your products from impact.

Air Unshock

Shipping pouches designed to prevent impact make packing easier, especially for online sales. They are ideal for transporting glass bottles, computers, electronics, and fragile items.

  • • Easy to use: simply inflate the air cushion chambers.
  • • Environmentally friendly.
  • • Provides perfect protection for your products against impacts.
Air Unshock