Insulation Liner
The foil-based thermal insulation in the container helps prevent temperature and humidity fluctuations during transport. It effectively reflects heat transfer and is ideal for products sensitive to temperature changes, such as food, pharmaceuticals, candles, etc.

The use of Insulation Liner.
It can protect against fluctuating temperature and humidity and control the internal environment of the container.



Why use insulation liner ?
Across all industries moving products in standard dry shipping containers can expose the goods to severe temperature fluctuations. In many cases, this can cause irreversible damage to the product resulting in lost sales and expensive insurance claims.
How dose insulation liner work ?
Goods inside are protected from dangerous temperature spikes. Only a very small percentage of heat (or cold) is allowed in or out of the liner due to reflective properties on both sides.

Compare average temperature of liner vs without liner
The red line shows a container without an Insulation
Liner experiencing extreme temperature fluctuations while the blue line highlights the consistent temperature
maintained with an Insulation Liner