Heavy Load Mover
Air Caster Rigging System is ideal for moving massive loads from assembly to shipping, plant start-up or relocation, jacking or rotating assemblies, precisely aligning machines over footings, rearranging production lines, or repairing heat exchangers, machine tools, and transformers.

Aero - Plank
Cleanroom - 1-150 TONS
•Load : 14 kg
•High capacity in a compact package
•Corrosion-proof and USDA-approved polymer lifting pads
•Food-grade material

Air Caster Rigging System
Aircraft - 5-150 MEGATONS
•Load: 25.85 kg
•Reduce hours of line moves.
•Efficient placement of the work stands reduces the overall cycle time.
•Improved safety for both aircraft and personnel

Air Cushion Vehicles
Factory Automation - 20-400 TONS
•Load: 22.67 kg
•High capacity in a compact package
•Corrosion-proof and USDA-approved polymer lifting pads
•Food-grade material

Aero - Plank
Transformer Manufacturing - 250-800 TONS
• Load: 250-800 tons
•AVs can support a wide range of load capacities when used as single units or in tandem (side by side or end-to-end).
•The epoxy floor experiences a reduction in floor load due to the dispersion of heavy load weight.